Democracy: just an illusion...


Lets start first with the problem: Lack of democracy.

This was more evident during the corona times. It was obvious that the governments of the world, including supposedly democratic European union governments, were willing to act with dictatorial measures in order to accomplish what they wanted.

Of course, the dictatorial measures came always with an excuse that it was for the own good of the people. But isn’t this the case with all dictators in the world. They always have the same speech that the dictatorship is for the own good of the country and its people.

Well, I guess doesn’t need to be an expert or a very smart person to know that the dictatorships all over the world were never about the people but about the ones behind the government and government officials becoming rich in return.

The corona dictatorial measures had the same prerogative.

The speech was that those dictatorial measures if closing everything down and trapping people in their houses, was for their own good. But guess what? It wasn’t.

Real democratic governments should never act with dictatorial measures, not even in this case. A democratic voting process should always take place to verify what is the desire of the majority of the population in relation to the subject. A dictatorial approach only shows exactly the opposite. If governments officials think they will not get the support of the majority, the alternative is force.

In this case, to avoid a civil war, the governments tried to convince and divide the people with the story that this lock downs were for the benefit and protection of the people. So people were less inclined to complain and protest. Additionally the profit from the division of the people regarding the support of the measures.

If you ask what is that the government wins with those measures, the answer is simple, but the reason behind it is not. The direct answer is: Money. The politicians get money and political support, if they do this.

The reason behind is now much more difficult to evidence, since is covered by hundreds of yes of influence and strategy.

To make it simple, it can be described in this form: Politicians get money from the ones who are pulling the strings behind the curtains. These people are the ones who were “benefiting" with the lock down and dictatorial measures. Who are they? They are the bankers. But don’t look directly to your local bank directors or even to the central bank director of your country… Look higher.

In a short explanation, that will be given more details later, I can say that those measures were interesting for the bankers because they needed that Europe and other countries entered in an economical slowdown in order to jeopardize Russia's oil and gas demands. In reality they wanted to start a war, but since a third world war would be devastating to all, including them, an economical war sounded more interesting.

Lets explain a bit more about the bankers and their motives.

Those bankers are international bankers, financiers of the central banks from most countries. Financiers of the IMF and world bank.

Now, if you stop to analyze how much power these bankers have, its almost impossible not to come with the conclusion that they are responsible for what is happening in the world right now.

In more simple words:

Bankers finance the government. The political parties get money for their projects from those bankers. Therefore, the dependency is created. Not mentioning that the governments now owe the banks money, followed by interest rates.

Governments now, depend on the bankers to perform any activity and the politicians depend on them to remain in power. Therefore the control of the governments by those bankers is real, but not on the conspiracy theory way. In the practical way. This is the way the world works. Is all about the money... well, actually debt. Who controls the money and its supply, controls the rest.

Now, that’s the part where democracy plays the leading role.

The politicians also have a big responsibility. They were supposed to represent the people and not the bankers.

But in reality, this is not what happens as I explained above.

What we could do, you ask? My suggestion is to demand from the government that they don’t take loans from private banks anymore. The budget for government expenses should come only from tax payers or government bonds.

We should demand that the politicians show us with transparency, where the budget for government expendures comes from. And most importantly how the government debt is paid.

You would be surprised how much money of our taxes is used to pay back those loans and how much is eaten by interest rates. Interest rates that go directly to the bankers pockets.

Nowadays, well... always... the politicians are on the side of the bankers. Not ours. Unfortunately, this is the truth. But is understandable, because they have much more money than us and therefore more influence. But the key is: we (the people) have much more power than the bankers IF we are united. But also unfortunately, this never happened and I think never will. People are never sacrificing their time or their comfort for others...

The problem is that the bankers know that and they use this against us. Whenever they think there is a possibility of an uprise, they try to get the attention away by keeping us occupied with other things.

For example, racism conflicts, gender discussion, prejudice, immigrants, crises, etc. This is the good and old divide and conquer strategy used for thousands of years since the roman empire. Also there is the bread and circus strategy that also works very fine. Just give people some entertainment and the minimum food not to starve. Everyone is happy.

The only way we can win is if we get together and fight against the bankers. But not directly though. We should use the democratic ways already installed in our society. Actually they work pretty well. Its just not properly used. What I suggest is that we raise that issue with our government officials.

This could be done via petition or via a protest. Protest nowadays don’t even need to be a crowd gathered on the streets. This could be done on the internet on social media, on dedicated web sites, on government web sites, etc.

Anyway its important that the politicians know that we are aware of what is going on and that if they don’t start giving the priority to the people, they will have to leave.


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