The big trick of the moment

 November 2021

Where to start?

Lets start with the recent news about Hertz (car rental company) renewing its fleet ordering the biggest amount of cars ever from a single manufacturer (Tesla).

Everybody was talking in the news everywhere how awesome Tesla is because Hertz just bought so many cars from them…

Now, I ask… Does anybody now what is actually behind this? This is actually a well played game that fools everybody and at the same time is a money making machine. Well at least a kind of money (stocks). In the stock market if you play it well, you can make money out of nothing (like they did).

Let me explain.

Hertz declared bankruptcy in 2020. A bank called Vanguard group, bailed them out, buying most of the stocks. So the Vanguard group bank is the new owner of Hertz.

So Hertz then, goes and buys hundreds of Tesla cars to their new fleet. Guess who owns the majority of the Tesla motors stocks? If you said the Vanguard Group bank, you got it right.

What is amazing is that, the moment Hertz got bought by this bank, its stocks went up. Then it announced that it was buying Tesla cars, making Tesla stocks go up as well.

Like that, the owner of both companies had a double profit making out of a transaction made by himself to himself. Meaning that he made money out of nowhere. How is possible that someone buy something from himself and manages to make money out of it? This stock market is ridiculous and should not exist the way it is.

But anyway, that is the way things work nowadays.

This was just a small easy example that can be verified online. Just google it up and you will find all information.

As stock market is like a dishonest legal market that many times uses mass manipulation and the mainstream media to increase or reduce the value of the stocks, there may be another manipulation going on behind our backs, in the name of money, that affect all our lives significantly. I will put the facts out there and let you take your own conclusions.

Let me start with another curiosity: Did you know that the Vanguard group is also the entity who provides most of the funds to the IPCC (international panel for climate change).

All studies and researches made by the IPCC have to be approved by the board of directors of the bank before it gets funding for it. Meaning that whatever does not align with the opinion of the bankers doesn’t come out.

Another curiosity: Vanguard group bank was heavily investing in oil and gas before the oil crisis in 2014. They were making millions with the oil price above 100 dollars a barrel. When the fight between this bank and the Russian banks finally lead to their defeat, they decided to move away from oil and “counter attack” the Russians in another way. What way could possibly beat oil and gas in power generation? Answer? Well the answer actually is: Nothing!!

All alternative power sources can not compete fairly with oil and gas. None of them has the same efficiency, convenience and at the same time generates that huge amount of profit.

For example,

for enterprises: Old fashioned oil and gas can generate profit because you can explore a natural resource and sell it, making money out of it. Also those goods are not everywhere and you can have the monopoly of it, making your profits even higher.

Wind power, is completely different. Takes also a lot of money to set up, but no profits in return. Its not a natural resource that you can explore. Who has the monopoly of the wind??? There is no such thing. After the wind mils or solar power are set up, the only thing to be sold is the electricity itself which is also a product of the oil and gas in the end, so in comparison, there profit margins are way lower.

For society:  Inconvenience. Wind power is not consistent. So, there may be times that we have to save power or even abdicate from power supply all together because there is a shortage of generation.

If the reason was to actually save the planet from damnation as they say, then it could be a sacrifice to do in the name of avoiding extinction, but it is not. My conclusion is it is only about money. But as I said, I will let you take your own conclusions in the end.

Additionally, another thing that is being pushed down our throats by force like a dictatorship, is this electric car “revolution”, if you can even call that.

Electric cars are just super inconvenient to have, for example: Low range, long charging times compared to gas fueled vehicles, inconvenience of trying to find a charging station, winter time reduction of range, super heavy vehicles are only some of the top of my mind. In other words: more trouble to our lives without being necessary.

Society and enterprises would not be willing to change their lives or businesses for the worse like that if the two options were honestly compared and offered to them. If the governments said: Here are the two options, electric cars or gasoline powered, which one would you prefere? 99% of people would prefer gasoline powered cars, because is so much more convenient.

And don’t be fooled by the promises of technology being developed that will change significantly the quality of battery cars, because it wont happen. There is so much technology can do with batteries and we are on the limit. So much that now instead of trying to improve the quality of batteries or infra structure for electric vehicles, the governments opted for the easier alternative that is: make gasoline and diesel super expensive. Meaning that our quality of life got reduced because they want to force us to go for the crappy alternative.

So its clear for the bankers that I mentioned before as well as to government officials, that the only way that alternative power sources can make their way into society is, by force!!!

They knew it also very well. That’s why we have now this dictatorial measures coming from the “governments” everywhere for people and enterprises to change to an alternative power generation source… The “green” power. Dictatorial measures such as demanding car companies to sell only electric cars, making laws to eliminate or restrict the use of fossil fuel cars and so on.

The excuse is that we have to do such things for the greater good, to save the planet, for our future generations!!!

This appeal that we need to move from fossil fuels to a cleaner power supply is merely an excuse to make it possible to impose to society this dictatorial measures without a full blown revolution and civil wars coming in protest.

That’s why nowadays we see all this mandatory measures coming from the governments with the excuse that is for the common good, to save the planet from damnation. They want to persuade us without going actually to war against the masses, because they know that this would be costly and there is a big chance of loosing. Not mentioning that for this to happen they would have to expose themselves, what would make them (the bankers) very vulnerable.

Im not saying that global warming is not real, im just saying that is very suspicious that the very banks who fund the climate change research is the one investing in all “clean energy” development and are the same banks that lost money with the oil crisis in the same period of time.

Its good to remember that the Paris agreement came on scene in 2014, the same year of the apices of the oil crisis.

Now a question: Isn’t it possible that this investment in alternative power sources is coming from other reasons then actually caring for the destiny of the planet and our future generations?

Are the big bankers actually that committed to save the planet and loose lots of millions of dollars in the process? That would be the consequence if they suddenly decide to change from fossil fuels into renewable energy just for the sake of the environment.

You may say: Bankers? They don’t control anything !! This decisions are coming from a government level and not related to the big bankers… It may sound like that, but let’s take a look how the things work.

Governments need money to perform infrastructure work, as well as other expenses needed to run the governmental machine. How do they get all this money? Taxes you say? Well not really… The taxes money is a way of paying those expenses but the money comes very slowly. Governments often need a high amount of cash in one go, to perform some infra structure works such as bridges, canals, highways etc… Those big amount of money cant be paid by our taxes because it is necessary to collect a lot to be able to pay out those costs. So we would need to wait a long time before those jobs could even start.

So how the government finds that amount of money suddenly? They get a loan from the central bank of the country in question.

Every country  has a central bank, that is responsible to keep up with the countries economy in many ways. One of the tasks is to lend money to the government so they can spend it as they need.

Then, the government pays back the loan to the central bank with an interest rate. This interest rate can be sometimes very high.

There is where our taxes come to play the part. We pay the government taxes from our labor, so the government can pay back the loans plus the interest rate to the central banks.

You may say: well that fine right? Seems ok to me… But here is the catch… In most cases the central bank of a country  is formed by a group of smaller banks that join forces to provide the financial support to the country. These smaller banks are generally private banks.

Meaning that the interest rate that you the government pays back is going to some private pockets and not re-invested in the economy or in the country infra structure.

Meaning that your taxes money is going to some bankers pocket. The interest rate is so high nowadays that no country can pay their debt ever… That what happened to Greece. The IMF suddenly asked them to pay their debt, and of course this caused a crash.

If a country central bank actually can not support enough the country’s financial needs, it will ask funds from the IMF or world bank.

IMF and world bank are organizations formed by a group of central banks of different countries that act as a bank for banks.

They lend money to the central banks that cant cope with the financial need of their countries and also ask them to pay additional interest on the money lended.

The IMF is controlled by the country with the most voting power, witch is generally the country with the highest amount of money invested in it. This country is currently the USA. Meaning that all actions performed by the IMF are controlled and ruled by the USA.

The central bank of the USA is the federal reserve. The FED is owned by private banks using bonds.

Meaning that the bank who owns the most bonds controls the FED. Guess who are the banks who onw most of the bonds from the FED? The vanguard group and BlackRock.

So, if you follow back the steps I just described, you will see that basically, The Vanguard group and blackrock own the world economically. Lets recap:

Vanguard group “owns” the FED -> the FED “owns” the IMF -> the IMF controls and basically owns the central banks of most countries -> the central bank of a country is responsible for the government spendures and economic growth (basically owns the country) -> governments pay money back to central banks -> we pay money to the government.

Can you see now? At the end, we are paying money to the vanguard group bank and BlackRock.

But now, the question that everybody should be asking is: Who is this Vanguard Group?


Another important observation that can be made following this scenario is that if governments depend of the country central bank for expenses, its means that the government is actually a hostage of the this bank. If the central bank was a bank where the money came only from our taxes and it was only used by the government, that should be fine. But the problem is that it isn’t.

The central bank as I explained above, is owned by private entities. Meaning that the government is a hostage of those private banks. What it means is that the banks will only borrow money to the government if the actions of the government are according to the best interest of the bankers.

Do you think that the rich bankers have our own interest as their priority?

That’s why the world is the way it is. That’s why the rich get richer and the poor get more poor…

The system is cricked. The system could work well actually if there were no parasites hanging on the end.

All of this is possible using the stock market. The stock market was a very smart invention. With it, is possible to perform all these sneaky maneuvers that allow a small group of people to own the whole world in front of our eyes and nobody realizes it.

Now, let’s start to ponder. If government actions depend on the approval of the bankers, means that all the significant governmental actions are actually taking on account the best interests of the bankers and not the population.

What were the latest mass governmental measures on the past few years? All has been around global warming (climate crisis) and more recent, the corona crisis.

Does anybody really think that the bankers have our future, our safety or our well being as their priority? Why would they be investing so much money in those subjects for our own good?

The answer is simple, they are not.

Big media corporations are also owned by the same banks. Just google it. You will see. If you dig enough you will verify that in the end of the mountain of stockholders, there is only one majority owner that has it all. It is the Vanguard group.

All that goes out in the big media channels is controlled by the same banks that owns the governments.

That’s why most times now, you see both parties (media and government) well aligned with the ideologies.

That’s why we see more and more repression and dictatorialism in media articles and government actions disguised as politically correct or for the common good excuses. That’s why nobody is allowed to criticize anything anymore, that why no one can protest against government actions, that’s why you can’t go against the flow of the mainstream media without being called a conspiracy theorist or a nonbeliever of whatever is in the spotlight (racism, global warming, corona, you chose it…).

What does this bring us now? It means that all we see in the media and most governmental actions are for the profit of the bankers not the population.

Meaning that, most likely, all those global warming propagandas and the measures following it, are not for our benefit. Is for the banks. Do you really think that the banks care about the environment? Do you really think they care about our future? Or maybe this is a way of fooling us to follow their lead and do what they want us to do with out complaining or questioning?

This can not be stated with 100% assurance, but I guess we have to be too naïve to believe that the banks are doing this only for us.

This is an appeal to everyone, not to follow what I say blindly, of course not. Otherwise, I would be a hypocrite. My appeal is to everybody to start questioning things and actually dig in more and search for information outside of the big media. Don’t let the information get to you. Go after it. Because if you let someone tell you what to believe in, then you may not have the hole truth.


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