The names of the Banks!!!


 The name of the banks still remains not very clear.

It seams that the economic turmoil spins around two axis: Western economy, headed by United States + Europe and eastern economy headed by Russia.

These are the geophysical location of the wealth, because the resources come from those locations. Also those are the old rivals that everybody talks about in the news. But as i mentioned before, the news doesn't tell lies per se... They just show the facts in the best way it pleases them.

US + Europe control the expensive oil side and Russia controls the cheap oil side of the economy.

So, it is actually a game or a fight between those two players, but what they don't say, is who is actually behind the scenes.

Well, this is actually the one billion dollar question.

On the western side of the game, is easier to find out. It can be safely said that the Israeli banks are behind it. All western economy is controlled and owned by Israeli banks.

And what Israel has to do with  it you ask? Well, all of the big banks in the United Stated and Europe are owned by Israeli bankers. Note that im referring to Israeli bankers and not saying Jewish bankers or anything because this is not about being antisemitic or something. Judaism is a religion, so lets not mix things here. Im just referring to the location and the people where the money is controlled and flows from and to.

To find out who are the banks that are behind the scenes we have to ask the question that most people don't realize although everybody knows deep inside their subcontinent. 

The question is:

How does the world works?

If you ask anyone that is realistic, they will tell you right away: its all about money... Sure everybody knows that... But how exactly is that "money talks" mantra that everybody talks about?

Well lets try to do what the famous saying says: Follow the money!!!

Lets go backwards and see if we can track it.

Lets start simple. If a simple man wants to buy a house, what does he do? He will go to the bank and ask for a loan (mortgage) to buy a house.

The bank loans the money to the person but in return, when the person has to pay it back later, some interest rate is added to the value of the loan.

So the person has to pay the amount that it was borrowed from the bank in the first place plus an additional amount due to the interest rate.

Ok until there is easy.

The same person also pay taxes to the government every month. Taxes that are told to be used for infrastructure and serving the country plus paying the salaries and expenses of the politicians, which is normal and fair, lets be honest right...?

Now, what happens when the government has to make those huge infrastructure projects: roads, airports, stadiums, hospitals, factories, power plants, etc?

The answer generally is: The government pays for it with our taxes money... Well... yes and no!!!

Our taxes are not enough to make all infrastructure works, pay the governmental personnel, pension plans for the population, monetary help for the needed, unemployment help , etc.

Then you might ask: Ok, if our taxes are not enough, how the government pay for all this then?

Ha!! the answer is the same as the situation described above when the simple citizen wants to buy a house.

The government also makes use of the same procedure. It takes a loan from the banks!!!

You might ask:  What bank is this then?

The bank that loans the money to the government is called central bank. The central banks of the countries loan the money needed to the governments so they can do whatever they want to do.

The central bank of a country is owned by a group of smaller banks.

Then you may say: Wow, so then those "smaller" banks have a lot of money right? Well, guess what? They also take loans from an even bigger bank called IMF (international monetary fund).

The IMF itself is formed by a group of banks. Banks those that are almost all central banks of all the countries in the world. Each bank has some influence and power of decision based on how much money they have themselves. So the richest and biggest banks have more power of voting and steer the decisions of the IMF.

So basically, if a country central bank needs money for some reason, they go to the IMF to ask for a loan. The IMF (which they are also part of), decides if the loan will be conceded and how much interest rate will be charged.

This works with all countries in the world. So, it means that all countries end up owing money to the IMF.

As I mentioned before, the IMF is controlled by the country or countries that have the most money. A quick search online, you can easily find the biggest contributor to the IMF. If you said United States, you are right!!!

That means that the US central bank is the one giving the cards. And that means that since the central bank is formed by other smaller private banks, almost all the worlds economy is controlled by US bankers.

So who are those bankers?

As i mentioned before... those bankers come from Israel.

Now, another question is: If the US bankers control the hole world why is there crisis then? Well, they don't control quite all of the world. There are those bankers who are on the cheap oil side who have also a lot of money and can still compete with US bankers.

Those are probably located in Russia. But this Russia part is an assumption for now.

More digging needs to be done. More listening and more reading between the lines.

Because as I said before, the answer is out there, is just masked behind stories, biased facts and tendentious news. We need to be skeptical with all we see in the news and read in history books.
