Second cold war – a war of hypocrisy
I decided to write this in order to try to help people to understand what is happening nowadays with the world, right before our eyes but many times we don’t notice.
Because of my privileged position and field of work i have the opportunity to be in contact with people, subjects, markets and witness events that allowed me to gather information and understand how the world’s economy has been working for the last couple of years. If you guessed that I’m going to say the global economy runs around Oil, you guessed right. But not as you may think...
Global economy is not controlled by corporations or governments. Nor are wars started by countries against other countries. Nowadays who controls the world’s economy and dictates the path to be followed, are institutions controlled by a few amount of people. I’m not talking about conspiracy theories or Illuminati mambo-jambo...
The institutions I’m referring to, are THE BANKS. Nowadays there are two hand full of banks that control the economy off all countries all over the world. Those banks are of course owned by bankers, people like you and me, but so rich that although they are only a few number of people (around 20, give or take), they have the same amount of money that the rest of the world.
That’s right... hand full of bankers in one side - the rest of the world on the other! That’s how much money they have.
Now you may think that those bankers are rich enough and should be satisfied with their wealth, happy and not bothering anyone. But remember that they are people, and people are greedy. So what happens is that those bankers fight each other for the dominance of the market using any means necessary.
Now, what is the most profitable market in the world since always?? Energy!!! Sources and distribution of energy is what moves the world. Of course we have digitization, social networks, medicines, gold, diamonds, minerals exploration etc, but those are just a fraction of the income generated by the energy market.
Everything, literally everything in the world needs energy to exist, move and survive. So, one can guess what is the market that will be in the first line of the banks agenda right? Did you say energy? Oh wow, exactly!!
For many years banks have been investing and capitalizing energy markets all around the world. For many years the easiest and most efficient source of energy was Oil and Gas. Therefore banks had a big interest on those resources and how to explore it, distribute it and control it. Since these banks fight each other for the control of the energy market, this generate some conflicts that not always have only an economic impact.
Playing dirty is also a strategy used to win in this game. By playing dirty I mean, controlling mainstream media, controlling science institutions, funding terrorist attacks and wars.
You may question if that is actually possible, because is too much to be controlled by only a small amount of people... But remember... these people have so much money, that a common person like you and I, cannot even conceive.
Let’s start now with a more thorough explanation that will make you question your own freedom, how people perceive the world, themselves and how have we been living and will live for the next years.
So, the oil crisis is pretty straight forward… kind of…
We can divide the world in two sets of banks.
1-Banks that make money with expensive oil. By expensive, I mean expensive to explore (deep sea exploration wells like in the north sea, gulf of Mexico, south America and west Africa).
2-Banks that make money with cheap oil . By cheap I mean cheap to explore (middle east – mostly Saudi Arabia).
Before the oil crisis (2014), like always, banks had a deal. The expensive oil banks had a deal with the cheap oil banks that they would agree with a fixed amount of oil to be sold in the market so the price stays high so everybody can make money peacefully… That was the golden years of the oil market and world economy. Everybody was happy, everybody was making money and lots of it. Eve year you could see another millionaire emerging in the media.
So why suddenly crisis?
What happened was that some bankers are not friends of other bankers… so the banks controlling the oil mostly in Saudi-Arabia and Dubai had a deal with Russia to keep the oil at high prices so both could profit a lot from whoever they were selling the oil and gas to (mostly EU, china, US) But the prices that high allowed the US to start with their own oil exploration (fracking from shale rocks) and started to compete with middle east and Russia oil and gas. Russia (banks) who don’t like US banks started to throw more oil in the market on an attempt to lower the price and put the US oil out of business.
Middle Eastern banks, demanded Russian banks to reduce the output of oil so the prices remained high. Russian banks denied the request, because of the rivality with US banks. Obviously Middle East banks reacted and opened the gates to flood the market with oil bringing the oil price even lower, muuuch lower...
Middle East claims that they can keep playing this low price game for 6 to 9 years. So Russia banks have to be able to have a lot of cash in house to compete. Or be willing to make much less profit.
So this fight now is an endurance fight. Who manages to keep up with the low prices without bankruptcy, wins. US banks that are behind the US oil marked have already lost. The companies that the banks put money behind are already in the red and can’t be paid off on chapter 11 because there is no hope that they will be profitable in the mid future. So the banks that lost a lot of money on them, will not pay them of with fear of losing even more money again…
Same goes for the banks that had their investments in the expensive oil market… you know… the oil that doesn’t come out if you strike a spoon on the ground like in the middle east. The oil that you need to drill hundreds of kilometers down the ocean and the crust of the earth to find it. That oil is not only expensive to explore (remove from the ground) but also expensive to produce (heavy oil needs to be cleaned, distilled, separated etc, etc…).
So the banks that had invested their money in this expensive oil, saw suddenly all their money stuck without been able to profit back. With the oil at super low prices, the expensive oil market simply can’t compete.
Now comes the master move that people can’t see or prefer to choose not to see...
I know I know what you are going to say… How do you know? This is not true etc, etc…
But people are indeed like this. I have spoken with many people and studied the subject, analyzed and the true is that generally (obvious not every single one) people like to believe that they have control of their own lives, that the world is a nice place to live and no one tells them what to do. People like to believe that everything is fine if the truth is too difficult to fight for. It’s a human condition. Why am I saying this, you ask?
Because what happens is that, in order to try to get their money back, The banks from expensive oil came with a strategy (a logical one, if you may say): Invest in something else and preferably something that can screw the cheap oil banks… What that could be???
Remember when the extensive coverage by the media and massive propaganda about global warming started to kick in again? No? Let me refresh your mind… It was right after the oil crisis (late 2014 beginning 2015). Wow isn’t that a coincidence… All of a sudden people started to care about the environment and the earth… Wow isn’t the media and the corporations that are behind them so nice and conscious… well... no!
Think logically for a second. Why do the media make news? To help people? To let people informed everyday with the true? Hope you don’t actually believe that otherwise I hate to break it to you, but Santa Claus also doesn’t exist.
The reason why the media does what it does is to make money. Like everything else, the media industry turns around money. And they need money to survive.
Now, if you think about it, who actually finances the big projects and give most of the money that the media companies need? Who???? Did you say “the banks”??? Oh yeah, you got it right!!
So do you think the media is going to say anything that goes against the banks best interests? Or even more… Do you think that the banks will not use the media to help them get what they want? It’s not difficult to conclude that, no! They will not.
The media (TV, radio and now social media) is a very powerful tool that is constantly used to influence the opinion of populations. So obviously, when you see advertising and propaganda in favor of something, be sure that someone behind it, wants you to believe that that is good for you, so they can actually make money!
So, the media only shows what is interesting for them to show. And what is interesting for them to show, is what pleases the ones who pay them. Who are the ones who pay them? The banks!!!
In this specific situation, the banks who lost money with the expensive oil are now trying to get back on the cheap oil guys and at the same time recover their lost money… How they can fight against well established oil market? How to get the masses to be against oil based products and in favor for change? How to get people out of the comfort zone? How to get people to make so many changes in their lives? There are two ways that have been used through the years and hole history of mankind...
1) War - This is a more direct way and works for a short period of time. But history shows that a population doesn’t cooperate very well if they are made into doing something by force. Eventually people rebel and that is not a long time solution.
2) Persuasion - This strategy is much more sustainable. Make people think that something is for their own good, so they don’t feel forced to do anything. They will think that the decision was their own.
The next paragraphs are going to explain the persuasion strategy: “Make people think that something is for their own good, so they don’t feel forced to do anything. They will think that the decision was their own”.
Global warming is a perfect excuse for that!! I’m not going to go deep and start a discussion about if global warming is really caused by humans or not. I’m here to say why it’s under the spotlight so much right now.
After the oil crisis the media started focusing massively on global warming and the impacts of fossil fuel fumes to the atmosphere. Since then, there has been a big pressure to the industry and governments (mostly from Europe) to invest in something else then oil. To remove as much as possible fossil fuels from the agenda.
If you ask yourself, what industries generates the biggest demands for oil derivatives? The answer is: Power generation and transport.
The easiest to change is the transport industry. Private companies producing cars for the masses are the weakest and the easiest to bend over for the change. They are dependents on the banks for loans and general financing. The banks can easily pressure them to do whatever they want. That’s why you see constant propaganda and brain washing messages every single day in favor of electric cars. Do you think the car industry wants to sell them? Of course not. They are losing millions on those projects of electric cars. But they are forced to sell them by the governments, which are forced to promote them by the banks.
Without the necessity of import of Oil for fueling cars, the economy of the countries controlled by (expensive oil) banks are much less dependent on the other countries (controlled by cheap oil banks).
Power generation is much more difficult to change since there is a much more connected and complex infra-structure to be changed. Also the fact that simply today, there is not an efficient way to produce huge amounts of power from alternative sources, like wind and solar, for example.
Hydro power is limited to the countries with a lot of areas to make dams and harness the water. More than 80% of the world doesn’t have hydro power capability. Solar power cells are not quite yet that efficient that we can rely only on them. Wind could be the best alternative, but is not efficient enough. We would need the whole land area of the earth full of wind turbines to generate power enough.
Most wind farm projects are just to make advertisement and keep the economy running. Media shows that the nations are investing in "clean energy" building wind mills etc, but that’s only less the 10% of the power generation. Behind the curtains, the investment in some other power source is being made (70 to 80% of the energy budget).
This “new” power source is Gas! Gas is a fuel that is cheaper and easier to get then Oil. More suppliers around the world have gas to offer and the economies are not hostages only from the cheap oil guys. More offers means cheaper price and independence from only one supplier.
Now you see how the expensive oil banks get independence from the cheap oil banks and at the same time screw them over. As long as one doesn’t depend on the other for one's economic activities to go forward, the one wins.
So, no more oil needed for transport, and no more oil needed for energy. Energy now (gas) can be obtained via other sources. But wait... those sources can also be controlled right? Who are the main sources of gas nowadays? Well let’s say that the recent wars around the world were regarding specific this: gas supply!! Syria, Ukraine, Iran, the economic blockage of Qatar for being a "terrorist nation"...
Anyway, with this i come back to my previous statement that there are two ways to make people do something: by force or by persuasion.
By force as stated before is not sustainable. It works in a small scale (a country for example) and also not for long. But in a global scale, not only is not sustainable, but also, no one wants a war because there would be no winners.
So persuasion is the "new" weapon. Well is not new, but using it in a massive way as now, is kind of new.
After explaining the scenario, i come back to the question: how to persuade big masses of population? Have to make them scared about something or have to induce them to do something that makes them feel good about themselves (ego fulfillment). Or... why not both??? Yes perfect!
That’s where global warming comes fitting perfectly in the equation. Media investing on propaganda saying that global warming will be the end of the world soon, if we don’t do something about it and saying that we can avoid it simply by changing from engines to electric cars and installing couple of dozen of wind mills here and there... Awesome.
Now everybody is scared that the planet is going to vanish and everyone can be a "hero" by buying an electric car. Solved! Persuasion by fear and by ego... Haha.
Now, humans... we are lazy. We like the comfort zone. We like to be told what to do and we like to feel good about ourselves with the minimum effort. Right? Come on, of course it’s true...! But also we are hypocrites, we don’t want to admit that!! That’s why nobody likes to talk about these subjects. If you point something on this way, wow... nobody wants to hear...
That’s the genius of the plan. Counting with human nature. This is a strategy tested during many, many years. That is why works so well now.
But the ones who keep the information and the knowledge about this strategies through the years is... guess who? You and me? The history books? Common population?... No! The banks!!! The people who control the banks they gathered all this information and have very well prepared strategies to control the masses. They know because they have been doing it for many years and, well... trial and error also helps.
Again, I’m not going to the global warming discussion here, but my point is why is being exploited now.
There is nothing to do with actually "saving" the planet, but is related to making money. Banks from expensive oil, fighting the banks from cheap oil for money and market share.
The important thing is (and they know that), that the banks need the masses to succeed. All the money in the world is not effective without the big masses to exploit. So people CAN make a difference if they want to.
The problem is information, or actually the lack of it. The majority doesn’t know what is going on in front of their eyes and I can’t blame them. Not everyone is connected to the sources of information that can make you start pondering and questioning facts. Most people rely on the radio and TV to tell them what to believe in. That’s how the masses are controlled.
Ok, at this point the cheap oil banks look a bit on check mate right? End game... now the expensive oil banks economical activities will not be dependent on the cheap oil banks anymore and additionally, they will be cutting all relations with the cheap oil banks economic activities.Right?
Well... Around beginning-mid 2016 I was actually wondering what would be the comeback of the cheap banks to that... What would be the "counter attack" let’s say... I was actually impressed that they allowed this to happen... you know... they have been in control of the economy for many years...
Then something happened that was immediately beneficial to the cheap oil banks!! Right when the expensive oil banks were winning... What was it?? Did anyone say corona crisis???
Yes, corona crisis helped a lot to slow down the plans from the expensive oil banks in investing in alternative energy. Now they are more focusing on investing in gas and getting this gas from alternative sources. Ah and electric cars obviously.
Please, i know what are you going to say... oh conspiracy theorist, crazy, you think that corona crisis was made up...
No. Corona is a virus that exists and is killing people also. But i know for a fact that the way the news is told about the virus and the way it’s killing people is being manipulated. And when i say manipulated, i don’t mean specifically lies. The media is not lying to us and inventing facts that didn’t occur. It’s just that the way they show the facts and tell the stories are manipulated.
They say something and present the facts in a way that is beneficiary for the point they want to make. And the point is: corona is deadly and people must be afraid of it.
Again, is the same strategy as before. Instead of war, use persuasion. But now is much more based on fear. Cheap oil banks are investing a lot in the media to portray the new virus as lethal so people stay home afraid and do whatever the governments tell them to do. The governments obviously do whatever the banks tell them to do.
When you see the difference in the countries regarding the lock downs restrictions, you can see what countries are ruled by the expensive oil banks and which are ruled by cheap oil banks.
The thing is that the banks are almost everywhere. All countries have both types of banks installed inside. The difference is what group of banks are stronger in each country.
Countries with fewer restrictions are ruled by the cheap oil banks and countries with more restrictions are ruled by expensive oil banks. For example, look at Saudi Arabia and the emirates. They are controlled by cheap oil almost entirely and therefore don’t have to jeopardize their economy in this fight (not so many restrictions there are they?).
The other countries, that are the "market" for the oil, those are the ones who are suffering more with the corona crisis. Lock downs are making more damage then the virus itself. Obviously, because that is the ultimate intention of this crisis.
Let me tell you about information manipulation and persuasion.
The mainstream media was showing in the beginning of the crisis how many deaths were registered from people with the corona virus per month. They just "forgot" to compare with the amount of people that die "normally" every month.
Let me show what i mean: In Spain for example, the news showed a corona toll of deaths for the month of June 2020 of approximately 15000 people. Everybody there was shocked. But the news enterprises "forgot" to compare with the amount of people that die every month from natural causes which, in Spain are around 35000. Same thing happened everywhere around the world. Most people don't know the amount of deaths that occur every month, that's why everyone was so scared.
This means that the amount of people dying from natural causes every month are higher then the people dying from corona before the lock downs. That means that corona doesn’t kill more then the normal flu virus and there is no reason to make a lock down.
But no one looks at this statistics and is very difficult to get those nowadays. Mainly because all what is shown everywhere is how many people died with the corona. If they show the same thing for the common flu virus, no one will go out from home ever again.
Another example, is the way the news about the amount of deaths comes out. The media says always "corona deaths". But what does that mean? Is this people who died because of the corona virus? No, those are individuals who died, and afterwords, the corona virus was identified in their bodies.
I’m not saying that the virus doesn’t kill. It does. But is the way is being handled that is the key here.
The intention is not to kill entire populations because, well... they need the people alive to make money. So the idea is to take a virus that is not that deadly and make it look like it is.
Like this you can persuade entire populations to stay home and as a cascade effect destroy the economy in many countries. Economy that is mainly connected to the expensive oil banks.
In response (that was a quick but not very elaborated one), the expensive oil banks forced the countries to adhere faster to the Paris agreement. Forcing the energy transition to be even quicker.
For now this is the end scenario. I mean, the game now between the cheap and expensive oil banks will be an endurance game. Who can stay in this situation for longer without raising the white flag ?
On one side we have the cheap oil banks with the corona strategy, pushing lock downs after lock downs. This is perfect because it never ends. There can be always another "mutation" or insurgence of the virus. So for a long term strategy this is kind of a smart one. Bad for most of the people, like always, but smart.
On the other side we have the expensive oil banks forcing down our throats the "clean energy" economy tools, such as electrification of cars, heaters, power plants. Not driven by oil anymore but by batteries. A clean and sustainable energy that is good for the earth and will prevent global warming.
They just don’t mention that actually and ultimately, those cars and batteries are charged by burning gas, but no one sees it do they? Hydrogen is the same thing. To make hydrogen you need to burn gas somewhere.
But people only care about what is right under their nose. As long as we don’t see smoke coming out in front of us, is clean right?
Also this last strategy has an issue that is: the clock. The earth temperature cycle is starting to descend. From now on (the next few years), we will see a decrease in the earth’s temperature which occurs every hundreds years and if the banks that are betting on the global warming mantra don’t manage to change the game before the temperature goes down, people will not believe in global warming anymore. It will be much more difficult to convince people that the earth is getting warmer because of fossil fuels when will be actually getting colder.
That’s why the Paris agreement has the target date of 2030 - 2050. They know that by then, the temperature of the earth will be colder and they want to give the credit to that, to the reduction of the use of fossil fuels, "proving" for once and for all that they were indeed the cause of global warming.
So that actually will decide in the end who will win. Unless before that they get to an agreement again as before (2007 -2014), and everybody start profiting from oil again and forget all what happened. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Well… as long as everyone is making money...
Very interesting, I had already grasped part of this understanding myself by observation and critical thinking.