
Showing posts from October, 2022

Nord Stream II blow out... Not really a mistery.

  Dear readers, i guess it wouldn’t take long until something like this happened again. A terrorist attack. The explosion of the Nord Stream II pipeline was no accident. It was deliberate. And an act like this can be called many things, but one of them is: terrorism. In times of war, this is one known strategy to happen. It has been happening for many years now, right in front of our eyes. The thing is that the media makes it looks like there is nothing we can do about it, but this is not correct. We can avoid such things to continue to happen if we find the source of the terrorism. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is not an easy task. But we have a good idea where to begin. Its clear that the architects of this Nord Stream II pipeline explosion were the western bankers. Why you ask me? Explanation follows. Going back after the second world war, western bankers took control over European nations central banks. In Europe as well as in the United States, this control was v

Democracy: just an illusion...

  Lets start first with the problem: Lack of democracy. This was more evident during the corona times. It was obvious that the governments of the world, including supposedly democratic European union governments, were willing to act with dictatorial measures in order to accomplish what they wanted. Of course, the dictatorial measures came always with an excuse that it was for the own good of the people. But isn’t this the case with all dictators in the world. They always have the same speech that the dictatorship is for the own good of the country and its people. Well, I guess doesn’t need to be an expert or a very smart person to know that the dictatorships all over the world were never about the people but about the ones behind the government and government officials becoming rich in return. The corona dictatorial measures had the same prerogative. The speech was that those dictatorial measures if closing everything down and trapping people in their houses, was for their